Principles of Success in Online Earning

If you've been interested in online earning, you've heard at least once that 98 out of every 100 marketers fail to see any true earnings online. If you've also read any of Dr. Napoleon Hill's works, you have read in one form or another that 98 out of every 100 people who are dissatisfied with their world do not have a clear picture in their minds of the world they would like for themselves.

This is no mere coincidence. The very reason that so many people who start off with the interest of earning money from their desktop or laptop never reach that dream is the fact that they have no clue what earning online should be for them!

Not to worry, if you are one of these people who aren't getting what they want out of online earning, Dr. Hill also gives us a blueprint to actually achieving the success that you desire; the 17 Principles of Success. These principles hold great power to whatever you choose, including getting the riches you desire online.

Lesson 1: Definiteness of Purpose- Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Without a purpose and a plan, people drift aimlessly through life. This aspect is crucial to have before you even turn on your computer. Take the time to figure out your strengths, what you like doing and are good at. Get an idea of what it is you actually want to do to bring in money before you start your search. Having a clear picture in mind allows you to notice the opportunities that are right for you, as well as avoid scammers.

Lesson 2: Mastermind Alliance- The mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common objective. Success does not come without the cooperation of others. Many do think that since you are working from home, you are working alone. This is actually detrimental to your success. You want to get around those who are having success in their own business and are willing to share information and ideas. Having these people as your mentors will help you to be in the right mindset for success.

Lesson 3: Applied Faith-Faith is a state of mind through which your aims, desires, plans and purposes may be translated into their physical or financial equivalent. Many people think a healthy dose of skepticism is what is necessary to navigate through earning online. While you should evaluate any opportunity you come across, you also have to keep an open mind and faith that there is a way to earn the income of your desires from your computer JUST FOR YOU.

Lesson 4: Going the Extra Mile- The action of rendering more and better service than that for which you are presently paid. When you go the extra mile, the law of compensation comes into play. Once you find the avenue of earning that is best for you, you must get in the habit of giving more than what you are currently paid. If you get an online job, this would mean going above and beyond in your defined position; in the case of business, reaching out to everyone that you bring aboard to the business and help them in the best way you can, whether you are paid for that assistance or not. Making this a consistent habit will propel you to new and wonderful heights in your chosen venue.

Lesson 5: Pleasing Personality- The sum total of one's mental, spiritual, and physical traits and habits that distinguish one from all the others. It is the factor that determines whether one is liked or disliked by others. Once you are in your chosen venue, the first thing that will set you apart from everyone else will be a pleasing personality. This is what attracts people to purchase from you, and trust the information you are giving. It also calls the attention of supervisory persons to assist you in moving up the ranks towards your success.

Lesson 6: Personal Initiative- The power that inspires the completion of that which one begins. It is the power that starts all action. No person is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own. Again, when you work from home you have no one over your shoulder telling you what to do. This is a freedom but it comes with deep responsibility. You have to have the discipline to meet scheduled working times and task goals as given. Even more so if you choose to work a home business. You must create those schedules and goals for yourself then achieve them.

Lesson 7: Positive Mental Attitude- The right mental attitude in all circumstances. Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure. No matter where you are in life, what has happened in the past with other businesses, or how many times you attempted the online earnings of your dreams; you must without a doubt believe in your ability to achieve your goals and persist toward obtaining them. If you dwell on the negative circumstances that you have experienced in the past, you are doomed to encounter more hardship. Stay focused on the goals that you have, and how you will feel when these goals are achieved, this will propel you towards more and continued success.

Lesson 8: Enthusiasm-Enthusiasm is faith in action. It is the intense emotion known as burning desire. It comes from within, although it radiates outwardly in the expression of one's voice and countenance. This is one of the main reasons for the principle in business that "People don't join opportunities, people join people" holds true. When a person joins an opportunity, it isn't because it's the best out there, it's that the person that introduced them to the opportunity was able to get that person excited about the business and to see themselves in the opportunity. The only way this can be done is to show enthusiasm in each contact you make. This also requires that you be in an opportunity that you believe in beyond just income, IMHO.

Lesson 9: Self-Discipline-Self-discipline begins with the mastery of thought. If you do not control your thoughts, you cannot control your needs. Self-discipline calls for a balancing of the emotions of your heart with the reasoning faculty of your head. Another big reason, yet little talked about reason that people fail to see consistent money in online business is that some are able to put all the pieces together and earn a good lump sum starting out in a particular business; but instead of investing a portion back into said business, they do other things that eventually stop their flow of leads into their funnel.

Another reason for failure goes back to Lesson 6; many are used to having a set list of instructions and someone over their shoulder forcing them to complete their work task. Now, with the absence of these drivers, they fail to consistently put effort towards the education and promotion of their business; again causing their traffic to dry up.

In order to succeed in online business, you must have the self-discipline to create a scheduled regimen of all the tasks you need to perform in order to earn money; then put that consistent effort behind getting these tasks completed on a regular basis.

Lesson 10: Accurate Thinking-The power of thought is the most dangerous or the most beneficial power available to man, depending on how it is used. The deciding factor of home business has nothing to do with what business you are in or how you promote that business, its believing that IT CAN HAPPEN FOR YOU. You have to know beyond any doubt that you can succeed in the venture that you have chosen. The moment you begin to doubt that you can learn or execute, that is the moment that you start to fail.


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